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The green lungs of our planet

Today, 21st of November, throughout Italy we celebrate the National Day of Trees and their many and indispensable benefits that they bring to our land allowing the proliferation of life. In fact, in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, our dear little trees help to protect the biodiversity of fauna and flora and prevent soil degradation. Trees are very ancient plants and for this reason they are considered to be very wise creatures. Already in ancient times trees were protected and conserved both for reasons of religion and to consecrate the woods to the cult of the divinities of the time, as for example in Roman times.

This day is celebrated with the aim of promoting policies and measures aimed at reducing gaseous emissions, protecting the soil, improving air quality and enhancing the customs related to the tree and the liveability of urban settlements.
Today there are 3 trillion trees in the world and this day is also an important "tool" to create a healthy ecological awareness to face new environmental problems and emergencies on a global scale. An analysis by the Soil Consumption Research Centre shows that at least 500 hectares of forest areas are covered with cement every year in Italy and in recent years 2,000 hectares of forest have been destroyed every year. This represents an important loss that helps neither to protect the soil nor to control the improper consumption of the land.

CORA Happywear does not only stands for sustainability in fashion, but also wants to promote and create the most sustainable approach and lifestyle possible. The fabrics used for CORA garments come from the fibres of plants and trees, such as beech, eucalyptus and bamboo. The materials derived from these three plants represent a real revolution in the development of eco-sustainable fabrics. Moreover, their cultivation, without the use of any pesticides or insecticides, improves air quality and people's living conditions, contributes to reduce environmental degradation and brings many benefits to our planet: the beech fibre is extracted from beech and can be considered a sustainable source because it does not need fertilizers and does not need reforestation or replanting, creating a natural habitat for other plants and animals as well; the eucalyptus tree grows very fast and water consumption is minimal, so artificial irrigation is not necessary; finally, bamboo produces up to 35% more oxygen than other crops and creates less carbon dioxide emissions, contributing positively to the "carbon footprint".

In this way, CORA Happywear celebrates the importance of trees every day, remembering that they are the green lungs in our planet and without them there would be no future.

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Sources: https://www.lifegate.it/il-21-novembre-e-la-giornata-nazionale-degli-alberi