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Sustainability is an attitude of life: Chapter 4

According to The World Counts, 2.12 billion tonnes of waste are thrown away every year. In fact, 99% of the goods we buy end up in the trash can in just six months. 
You are tired of just watching and want to do something about it? You maybe think that your contribution alone won't make much of a difference and that a zero-waste lifestyle is too complicated? Don't worry, you are not alone! 
Of course, you can't go completely waste-free from one day to the next. However, you can gradually incorporate alternatives into your everyday life to produce less waste. No contribution is too small!
Take a step towards a zero-waste lifestyle, and together we can help our planet. Here are some simple tips and tricks on how you can slowly but surely reduce your waste to the minimum:
Generally consume less
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Only buy something when you really need it. The less you buy, the less waste you create! So the next time you go shopping, ask yourself if you really need it or if it's more of an impulse buy.

Use what you already have

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First of all, consume what you already have. You will be amazed, as you probably already own a lot that you can use in your Zero-Waste lifestyle. For example, you can use old glass cans for refilling or reuse fabric bags.

Avoid single-use plastic

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Try to avoid plastic-wrapped goods, especially when shopping for food. For example, take reusable cloth bags for your fruit and vegetables.
If you do decide to buy something packaged in plastic, buy food in bulk, as this will not only save you money but also reduce the amount of packaging waste you use in the long run. 
Some supermarkets now have refill stations for dry foods such as rice and nuts. You should also see if there is a Zero-Waste shop in your area. This is of course the optimal place to shop if you want to switch to a complete no-waste lifestyle. And you will be surprised, most of the time the packaging-free products are even cheaper than the ones you buy in the supermarket.


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If you are lucky enough to have a garden, the best thing you can do is compost all your organic waste. Even if you don't have a garden, you should still separate your organic waste properly. Check your neighbourhood's waste separation rules to be 100% sure you're doing it right.

Zero Waste Bathroom 

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We use countless plastic products in the bathroom, from toothbrushes to shampoo. Fortunately, sustainable alternatives are now available in every drugstore. 
For example, you can easily buy your shampoos and shower gels in soap form. You can also get a metal razor, buy recycled toilet paper wrapped in paper and use a bamboo toothbrush. There are also jar toothpaste and menstrual cups that save you a lot of money and waste.

Repair old things 

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 Have you broken something? Don't throw it away straight away! Try to repair it yourself or take it to a repair shop. Only if it can't be repaired you should recycle it properly!

Go digital

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 Nowadays, everyone has access to a computer and can write everything on it. This means you don't have to use paper anymore and you have everything stored in one place. So next time, think about whether you really need paper or if you really need to print it out. If you do, be sure to use recycled paper.

Secondhand & Sustainable Businesses or Rentals

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Of course, at some point, you will need to buy something new for yourself or your family to wear. First of all, see if you can find it secondhand. If you need something for a special occasion or want to buy clothes for babies, it's best to buy from eco-friendly shops or even rent them. Renting clothes is perhaps the most sustainable way to "shop". It is important that you generally choose high-quality products that are made from natural fibres and produced in a sustainable and fair way.

You see, there are tons of ways to reduce your waste to a minimum... With small changes, you as a consumer can make a big difference! Don't worry, you don't have to go completely zero-waste from one day to the next! Take your time and try to slowly adapt to this new lifestyle. Every step towards less waste is a success! 

So be CORAgeous and dare to give the new ZERO WASTE LIFESTYLE a chance. In the end, it is easier than you think! 
Your CORA happywear team 

LINK: https://www.vidasostenible.org/zero-waste-lifestyle-a-simple-living-philosophy-which-everyone-can-take-part-in/  


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