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Saving WATER in our household
Sustainability is an attitude of life: Chapter 2

Our water resources are finite, and they are becoming scarcer every year. According to the WWF, two-thirds of the world's population could be affected by water scarcity by 2025. 

So it's no longer a secret, drinking water is becoming less and less, mainly because of our perverse overconsumption and because of the ever-worsening climate crisis. 

The good news is that each of us can do something. Even by making small changes in our everyday lives, we can try to preserve our vital resources also for future generations.


1. Turn off the tap

Did you know, for example, that a running tap can consume 6 litres of water per minute? So it's best to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. Do you drink cold tap water? Then put a bottle of water in the fridge and avoid running water unnecessarily. 


2. Take a quick shower

Every minute you spend in the shower, you use up to 17 litres of water. Get into the habit of keeping your showers as short as possible. Not only is it good for the planet, but it's good for your wallet too, because short showers save you money on your water bills. 

You could set yourself a challenge: play your favourite song (about 4 minutes) to set a timer and try to shower in those few minutes.

3. Full washing machine & dishwasher

Also, don't turn on the washing machine or dishwasher until they are completely full. You may even have an eco-wash programme option, which you should definitely use. If you have a dishwasher, be sure to use it to the fullest, because even if you wash with a bowl of water, you'll end up using more water than with a full dishwasher load.


4. Food waste 

By wasting less food, you can not only help your wallet but also combat excess water consumption. Drinking water is not only used for drinking and washing but also to feed crops and livestock.

5. Timing plant watering correctly

Water your outdoor plants in the early morning or at the end of the day so that the water does not evaporate immediately due to sunlight and heat. During intense heat waves, you should put water out for dehydrated animals. Especially thirsty bees and other insects need a bowl with water and stones in it. 


6. Water for cooking

When cooking, use only as much water as you need, because overfilling can use twice as much energy and water for each cooking process. 

7. Promote action

You see, there are tons of ways to reduce your water consumption. Unfortunately, these small contributions are not enough to address the catastrophic shortage of freshwater. That's why consumers need to put pressure on the government and companies.

For example, the government could oblige large companies to measure their water consumption and reduce it to the minimum. In addition, the government can promote a more water-efficient diet, for example by encouraging its citizens to consume less meat. Policymakers can also enact legislation to promote water recycling. Companies must also receive pressure from consumers to encourage them to produce with less water. Maybe you want to join a climate protection group and help drive change at the local and national levels. 


It's never too late to do something about the increasingly scarce freshwater resources!

So, be CORAgeous! 
Your CORA happywear team 

LINK:  https://www.consumercouncil.org.uk/consumers/rights-and-advice/water-s 



Sustainability is an attitude of life: Chapter 2