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Plastic is one of the most damaging elements to the environment and now more than ever it is important to reduce its consumption. Therefore, for your journey towards a more sustainable lifestyle in today's article, we have some simple tips on how to reduce its use at home! 

Avoid buying fruits and vegetables at the supermarket

Often fruits and vegetables are sold in compostable bags, but in reality, there are still many doubts about the short-term biodegradability of these packages (which, moreover, are extremely fragile and not very durable). Try shopping at the fruit and vegetable market or a greengrocer's. In both cases, you can use the cloth bags brought from home, which can be reused many times. 

Eliminate foil and food bags.

To reduce plastic at home, get into the habit of freezing only in food containers (glass or reusable plastic) and storing food in the fridge wrapped in reusable wrappers. Waxed fabrics for food storage are all the rage, and they do work, but in many cases, a simple cloth napkin will suffice, for example, to wrap cheese or bread. We also recommend the flexible silicone lids, perfect for storing vegetables or fruits. It is always plastic, however, they are very durable and you can use them for a long time.

Buy bread in bulk.

At the supermarket, you have to weigh the bread in transparent bags, and maybe even waste a disposable glove every time. To reduce plastic at home, just buy bread at bakeries, where products are usually sold in paper bags. You can also reuse them several times or reinvent them at home.

use solid detergents.

A trivial but effective tip to reduce plastic in the home. On the market, you can find solid soaps for everything, for the mind, hair, dishes, body, face.
However, if you're not comfortable with solid products, you can reduce plastic at home by buying bulk products, refills, or very large packages. 

This article was inspired by https://unamammagreen.com/ridurre-la-plastica-in-casa-consigli-facili/

Here are some tips to make it practical and welcoming