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Moving towards a Fashion Circular Economy
Our project: CORAcircle
The conventional market economy functions according to a linear model. This means that a product is made by the manufacturer, sold by the retailer and then discarded by the user, with no thought given to what happens to the discarded item. In recent years, more and more companies have set their sights on new production processes, i.e. they think about how a product can be reused at the end of its life cycle - it is the beginning of the so-called circular economy 

Fundamentally, the circular economy aims to improve our carbon, resource and footprint by developing higher quality and more durable products that are ideally also suitable for sharing or renting.

For almost all materials, the extraction of virgin raw material is much more expensive than the use of recycled materials. It would be to our advantage if companies could save on the cost of materials in order to reduce the cost of products for us consumers. So if a model, it not only avoids landfills, but also saves money, which in turn reduces but also saves money, which in turn can reduce product costs.

The ultimate goal of circular fashion is that the lifecycle of products should bring no socio-economic or environmental harm.
Another benefit is job creation. A study in the Netherlands has shown that a circular economy not only has economic and environmental benefits, but also creates new jobs.


As you may already know, last year we at CORA Ltd launched a new project, CORAcircle, to contribute to the concept of the circular economy to help families save money, protect the environment and save time.

The concept is simple and allows families to rent clothes for their baby from birth to one year of age. CORA clothing is made with innovative and sustainable raw materials produced in Europe. After use, the clothes are reprocessed and disinfected and then put back into circulation. If the child needs a new size needs, a new size or changes season, we send you a new package.

Would you like to learn more about this innovative project? Take a look at our circulation project CORAcircle and become part of the circulation movement.

Odd Socks Day: 4 February 2022